Wednesday, May 8, 2024

THIS is why you'll NEVER hear a voice like Judy's again.

Today is a day for music. And AutoTune. 

And, as long as AutoTune is being used, the natural voice will no longer truly be heard. 

Yeah, I get it, it fixes out of tune voices and creates crazy effects (a la Cher's ' Do You Believe in Love After Love). But a couple of things are lost: the appreciation of voices of people who can really do their stuff, as well as the warmth and expression that a person with talent can give to a piece of music. 

Listen to this fellow:

I think he makes a pretty good case for his hypothesis. Taking away nothing from Kelly Clarkson, perhaps the production crew in the sound booth might serve her better if they let her sing.

Along the way, I'm reminded that really good instrumentalists, and really good vocalists have this in common: they hear a phrase or read the music and it flows through their instrument, whether that instrument is a physical object they interact with, or their voice (or, in my case, my mouth when I whistle) automatically. 

I hear 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow', and I can sing or whistle it with ease, only being limited by my vocal (or whistle) range. Well trained instrumentalists, well adapted to their instrument do the same. Their physical actions may be more involved, but it's the same thing. 

And therein lies the beauty.

If you are a musician, keep on being one with your instrument, and your music.

Yes, You Can!

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